Mission Accomplished!
Monday was the big day. This year Sister Olga, the headmistress of one of the schools where we have sponsored children, offered the use of their school hall. Being nuns, of course, everything was super well organised. Chairs were set out for the children on one side and for the parents on the other. Seeing them all ranged on rows I was impressed by just how many of them there were: this year we have 71 children. I was also impressed by how the overall hygiene of the children has improved. They were mostly bright and sparking like new pins rather than the bedraggled hodge-podge we had when we started 8 years ago. Apart from the 17 new children entering this year, most of the veterans" were wearing their uniforms.
Several officials were also present: the District Education Officer, the woman responsible for education at the Town Hall and two town councillors as well as two people's representatives and Sister Olga who started off the proceedings with a reading about gratitude.
As always in Bolivia, speech-making is a must at any meeting so all the officials had their say. Then Marco Antonio, one of the older boys who is now in his second year at university studying Engineering, made a short speech encouraging the younger children to take good advantage of this opportunity without which, he said, he would not be able to study at tertiary level. He is also a great example because he has always had very good marks at school and is continuing to do well at university.
This year Vito, the man who makes the clothes for us was also present as he had taken up the uniforms that very morning and I had got a run with him rather than having to take trufi taxis. This gave me the chance to thank him publicly for his cooperation over the years and for the efforts he makes to try and keep costs down for us.
First the school materials, then the uniforms, then the socks, then the shoes, then the toiletries. This is always an exciting time particularly for the younger children who surge forward to be the first in line. At one point there was a little cry of disappointment. "I didn't get any clothes." The newcomers had not realised that their uniforms were tucked inside their new school rucksacks. Once that had been clarified a smile returned to their faces and all were happy and contented.
Once everyone had received the allocation for this year pasties and a drink were provided before they all set off for home.
Mission accomplished!